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Banish the New Year Blues with Essential Oils

January is a strange month, and statistically, the month considered to generate the most personal dissatisfaction with life. The bustle of Christmas disappears, and all the buzz leaves an anticlimactic feeling. We try and sate ourselves with resolutions about how we will make this new year our best yet, but the truth doesnt match expectation. The weather is often cold and wet, the bank balances are low from overspending in the festive period, and many people are actually tired and a little bit depressed. The good news is that you are probably not alone if you feel like this, and we have put together a few ideas that can help you banish the blues and find your inner peace, and they are all about self-care.

Time Out

It is essential that you take time out to relax and chill. We recommend that you put the phone on silent, wait till the kids are in bed asleep and take a long, hot soak in the tub. This is the perfect opportunity to harness the healing properties of essential oils so why not add some drops of rose and geranium essential oils to the bath. To do this take a small amount of milk, and first mix the drops into this, before adding to the tub. These oils are nurturing and relaxing, and you will feel like Cleopatra soaking in milk as you let the cares and worries fall away.

Meditative Free Writing

While this might sound strange, the power of unloading your mind cannot be overlooked. Again wait until you have a quiet space to yourself - and if needs be make one. As a partner, friend or family member to watch kids and take yourself away from the chaos. In a diffuser mix orange, cedarwood and patchouli oil and allow them to circulate the room. Begin by creating a place to relax, whether you prefer to meditate sitting or laying, just be sure to add support and comfort in the form of pillows and blankets. Now close your eyes and breathe. Remain still for about 5 minutes and allow your mind to wander around. Open your eyes, grab a pen and paper and write. Let the words flow onto the page and do not worry about what they are as you write. When you have finished, you can read through and see what you need to address over the coming months.

Where is the Love

Finally, it is time to acknowledge the good in your life. We often forget how lucky and blessed we are, and the tribal problems of life seem magnified and huge. Lemon is a great oil to support this work, either on a tissue or again in a diffuser. Make a list of all the things you are really grateful for. Your kids, your pets, your parents, your friends. There is no right or wrong here; it is just an excellent way to shake your brain up a bit and remind you that for every darkness there is probably a bit of light out there to balance it.

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