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All About Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is one of the more pungent essential oils but with such a massive range of uses to boast about it remains one of the most popular essential oils. You can even grow and dry your own lavender to use around the home. So let’s find out more about this versatile plant.

The Plant

Lavender plants date right back to Ancient Egyptian times, and even then they were well aware of its healing properties. It was grown with other plants in Thebes in the scared walled garden and used extensively in the process of mummification. Turned into an early form of perfume it was thought to offer protection and fragrance when the tombs were sealed. It is said that when, some 3000 years later, King Tutankhamen’s tomb was excavated the lavender smell was still really pungent after all that time.

As a plant, there are a few varieties of lavender available, but the most widely found one, and used in the preparation of Lavender Oil is the Lavandula Angustifolia. This variety found favour for extracting the essential oil because the camphor content is low, and this would change the efficacy of the lavender in some instances. You certainly would not want camphor on a burn and are therefore not suitable for use on skin. However, the standard of lavender oil used in essential oils is much higher and thus, when used correctly, safe for external skin use.

Uses of Lavender

Considered a vital essential oil first aid kit component, Lavender is an excellent addition to any
household. It has a myriad of uses from burn healing to headaches. This means that you can use lavender on sunburn or kitchen accident type burns. It immediately lessens the pain and can be used neat. This is not something we say about all essential oils, but lavender can be used with or without dilution in a carrier oil. In a first aid emergency case, just one drop of lavender oil can benefit a burn. Again care must be taken to ensure that you have pure lavender oil such as the kind we supply, as camphor content would worsen not help a burn.

When diluted in a carrier oil it can be great for many skin conditions, or form part of a soothing
massage oil. It is considered a good oil for those who struggle to sleep, so a massage with lavender oil diluted could be a great way to head off to dreamland.

It has antibacterial properties so forms part of the winter room kit, and when burned in an oil burner will help clean the air and eliminate airborne virus particles. It is safe to use around pets when used in this way, but consider the strength of the oil as they have more sensitive noses and airways than we do and you do not want to irritate.

As a combination oil, lavender works well with many other oils from clary sage to rose, to jasmine and geranium. Lavender and tea tree are favoured winter warmers for oil burners or healing massages.
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