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Essential Oils to help with Colds and Flu Blog

Essential oils are powerful tools to help with different issues. The particles in them when reaching our brain stimulates our limbic system which is controls our emotions, heart rate, stress and hormone balance.  Each different oil has different properties which help to heal different symptoms.


As it is cold and flu season here is an overview of the oils that are useful for cold and flu symptoms. 


Eucalyptus Oil comes from one of the tallest trees in the world, and has powerful antiseptic properties. It is also good as an inhalant and a chest rub as it helps unblock your nose. It also helps with sinus headaches. You could create a chest rub by adding a few drops to some oil and then putting this on your chest.


Ginger and Jasmine oil, used in small amounts are good oil’s to use for the early stages of colds and flu.


Myrrh is good for combatting a dry cough, use this as an inhalant.


Pine oil is also useful for your respiratory system, again as an inhalant or use in the bath.


And finally Thyme is really good for throat infections.


These oils can be used individually or you could combine them. The different options for using these oils are to inhale them or use them on the skin.  


Inhalation – this can be done by using one of our oil burners or diffusers. The particles of oil are vaporized into the atmosphere where we inhale them, allowing them to reach and stimulate our olfactory system, where they begin to work on our energy and physical body.  


Use on the skin – we can use oils by mixing a few drops with some olive or almond oil. Or we can put them in our bath, by mixing them with some milk and pouring under running water. It is also possible to mix them with some plain cream that you know if safe for your skin. Aqueous cream is good for this.  


See our video’s the use of essential oils.  

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