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Essential Oils Make Perfect Gifts

If you love essential oils, you will know how beneficial they can be to your daily life. Sometimes when we talk to friends about them, you get a sense that they are not really listening or understanding just how good they can be. Some people seem really interested, but when you check back in again, you find that they have still not actually got around to trying anything. Perhaps you could help by giving them a tremendous essential oil gift this Christmas. Using the knowledge you have about them is the perfect way to pick them the ideal oils, and with a bit of creativity, you can show them how to use them.

Oil Burners

Oil burners make an excellent beginner gift, there is broad range of pretty burners on the market, and they come in many different shapes. There are pretty china ones, ones shaped to look like Buddha heads, ones that look like animals; you name it they are probably out there. These tend to be candle burners, and most do come with instructions so be sure you are happy the recipient uses candles. There are electric varieties that plugin and use water to diffuse the oil into the room, and again there are lots to choose from. They are considered safer than candles and also will have instructions. All you need to do is pick a couple of oils that match the person you are buying for. Do they work in a high-stress environment and have trouble sleeping - consider Lavender. Do they have school-age children and moan that there are always bugs coming home from school - try tea tree to clean the air, Maybe they are feeling a little down or suffer from winter blues - try citrus oils to lift their mood.

Body Lotions

Another great way to introduce someone to the benefits of essential oils is to get them a body lotion or massage oil gift set that includes an appropriate oil. Perhaps you could buy them a gift voucher for a massage at a local holistic centre that uses oils and let them choose for themselves which oils when they chat with the therapist on the day. There are lots of body lotions that harness the power of essential oils to target issues such as eczema, and this could also be a really personal gift that shows just how much you think about the person and understands their needs.

Room Sprays

Again you can use essential oils to make some lovely room sprays that will support the body in a range of situations from coughs and colds to grieving and sadness. Showing someone how much you care by getting them all the ingredients needed and perhaps a little guide that you have put together is a really thoughtful gift that beats a generic high street gift.

We have a range of oils that can still be ordered in time for Christmas and would be more than happy to help if you are unsure of which ones to purchase to suit a specific need. Remember the rest of the blog has some really great information about how to use oils safely and which ones are helpful in a range of scenarios.

Previous article What Is the Most Powerful Essential Oil? Uncovering Nature’s Most Potent Remedies