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Top tips for starting your Holistic Life Plan

Top tips for starting your Holistic Life Plan

Today is World Town Planning Day, a day for planners and communities to appreciate how good planning improves the lives of people and benefits society at large.

Humans have come a long way and have evolved immense intellect that has enabled progress to be made in medicine, agriculture, and healthy nutrition - and this has grown the global population to immense heights in the last century. 

It is now more important than ever to make the Planet we live, work in, and share with others, functional, comfortable, and safe, for us and for our descendants. 


For this, we have decided to look a little further at Holistic Life Planning, how it benefits us and where to get started. 

A Holistic Life Plan is a multidimensional overview of one's life, including a strategic 5 year plan, a mid-term 3 year plan, and a tactical 1 year plan. The reason for these plans is to look at what gives you purpose in your life, this means the deeper meanings and connections in your life and focusing on something bigger than yourself. 

Our top tips for how to get started would be to follow these 4 basic steps that will enable you to take a deeper step toward knowing yourself. 

  • Get to know yourself
  • This can be explored in a number of ways, giving yourself quiet time, meditating, and journaling are a great ways to be able to reflect on your past choices and actions. Fasting is also a great way to explore yourself not from food but from social media, t.v. and social invitations.

  • Unique Personal Culture
  • (Sounds rather posh doesn’t it) What this is, is your flow. What time of the day do you function best? What is your time management like? How about your health and fitness routines? Are you an extrovert or are you more introverted? To understand your flow or culture: move from self-consciousness to self-awareness. Awareness is knowing your strengths and weaknesses, owning it, and using it to your advantage.

  • Practice Refresh Rituals
  • It is so important to have a self-care routine, it enables you to create fuel to give yourself energy. Self-care is non-negotiable. It’s not just about looking healthy and fitting into your fave jeans after a binge, but all about living a well-balanced, full, and joyful life ultimately giving you a purpose in life.

  • Your Community
  • "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." -African proverb.

    Create a community of people who are there to empower one another, a diverse community with an inclusive ethos. You want to be sure that your community is made up of like minded individuals, who share a common goal and are ready, willing, and able to help you become your best self. Be available to do the same for others. Have an abundance mentality. Be intentional about who you spend time with.

    For sure, it is hard for one individual to change the world. But there is one area you can have a total, direct influence on – and this is YOU! Now imagine everybody would strive and be ‘the best version of themselves – can you see what a big impact that would have?

    Once you know who you really are, you can rebuild your life in this image. 

    #WTPD #WorldTownPlanningDay2022  #UrbanResilience #ClimateAction #climateresilience #PlanTheWorldWeNeed

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