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6 steps for a healthier Mind-Body Relationship

6 steps for a healthier Mind-Body Relationship

Have you ever wondered how and why your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and life experiences can positively or negatively affect your biological functioning? Well, today we are going to dig deeper and find out what it is we can do to ensure our minds do not affect how healthy our bodies are. 

In turn, the ways we can treat our bodies can affect our minds, the most common habits include; food abuse, not exercising, or relying on pharmaceutical medicines. With your mind and body not in sync, you are disrupting the interrelationship between your mind and body.

So, instead of waffling on and on about the risks let’s focus on some easy and simple ways of creating a strong interrelationship between your mind and body. 

A mind-body connection is the first step to this, focusing on mind and body therapy is when you use the power of your own body to control your mindset, this can be done either way around, for the body to affect the mind or the mind to affect the body. 

The key to keeping your mind and your body connected is to build habits into your everyday routine. The good news is that it’s easy to do. Even the busiest executives can spare two minutes to try one of the following 6 techniques to improve the mind-body connection and be better able to go with your gut.

  • Hydrate 

Set the intention to remain hydrated, sip the water continuously throughout the day, and pay attention to the sensation of swallowing each cool gulp.


  • Stretch it out

Taking the opportunity to stretch is another excellent way to reconnect with the sensations in your body. When we are tense, we sometimes fail to realise how our body manifests that tension.

  • Breathing

    To take advantage of this technique, simply close your eyes and take a deep breath that expands your abdomen with each inhalation. Exhale slowly. Repeat. Try it for a few moments a few times a day and see the difference it can make for yourself. This is a technique that has been used for millennia by a number of cultures around the world. 

    • Sense & Sensibility

      It isn’t uncommon for emotions to overtake us at times and this can sometimes cause us to lose sight of how powerful our physical senses can be. Take time to engage with your senses; smell, touch, taste & sound - essential oils are a great way to do this. 

      • Dancing

        Moving our body to the beat and singing along to our favourite songs can be very therapeutic, you are releasing tension and singing words of affirmations to yourself. This can help you release pent-up emotions so they don’t get stuck and drain your energy or vitality. 

        • Stretch

          Your body will manifest all that you experience throughout your life, all the ups and downs and it is important for you to not let this overwhelm and cloud your mental and physical capabilities. Breathe in, stretch and breathe out - you are now one step closer to reconnecting with the sensations of your body. 

          Being in the present moment helps improve focus and strengthen decision-making. Studies have shown that mindfulness practices literally alter the gray matter in brain regions responsible for learning and memory, emotional regulation, and perspective. And as much as we try to find ways of catching ourselves in the present moment, the only way to truly ground ourselves in the here and now is through the realm of our senses, the here and now. It is about connecting with our embodied experiences that exist.
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